Week 9

From 18th April to 22nd May

1º ESO

¿Cómo se hace un cuadro de verbos? (leer la explicación y luego ver foto más abajo?

Hay que escribir la misma frase 4 veces, en todos los tiempos. Esa misma frase tiene que estar en aff, neg e int en todos los tiempos.

Necesito que dibujéis el cuadro en vuestro cuaderno de clase y cuando esté terminado me enviéis una foto.

Esto va a ser el examen del día 28 a las 5 de la tarde. Tendréis que hacer un cuadro de verbos similar a este.


2º ESO

¿Cómo se hace un cuadro de verbos? (leer la explicación y luego ver foto más abajo?

Hay que escribir la misma frase 6 veces, en todos los tiempos. Esa misma frase tiene que estar en aff, neg e int en todos los tiempos.

Necesito que dibujéis el cuadro en vuestro cuaderno y cuando esté terminado me enviéis una foto.

Esto va a ser el examen del día 27 a las 5 de la tarde. Tendréis que hacer  un cuadro de verbos similar a este. Dos folios.

Deberéis enviarme las fotos del cuadro completo, los 6 tiempos verbales, copiado en vuestro cuaderno de clase.


T h e     e n d

9th week


Week 8

From 12th April to 14th May

1º ESO

Ya solo nos queda el CUADRO DE VERBOS

presente simple = do/does (2)
pasado simple = did
futuro simple = will
presente continuo = Am / is / are = Yolanda is eating an apple

El que tenga claro cómo hacer frases en todos estos tiempos verbales
tiene un 5 asegurado. Luego vendrá el trabajo para subir nota.
Ya podéis ir preparando una hoja para cuadro de verbos con 3
columnas en una cara y 1 en la otra.

Cada frase tendrá su forma




No es un trabajo muy difícil el de esta semana ¿verdad?

2º ESO

Para probar hemos iniciado el juego. Se trata de practicar frases con
el present perfect. Como ya habréis aprendido los 50 verbos
irregulares que puse la primera semana no os va a costar mucho.

El verbo Present Perfect se utiliza para expresiones de tiempo que no
ha terminado todavía.

This week
This month
This year
This morning
This confinement

Son periodos de tiempo que no han acabado ¿verdad?

¿Cómo lo hacemos?

verbos regulares:

verbos irregulares

Estas son las frases que ya he recogido:

During confinement I have listened to the radio.
During confinement I have baked bread
During confinement Christopher has listened to music
During confinement Georgio has played games
During confinement Chirstopher has watched TV

Con las respuestas que me enviéis, bien por whatsapp o por correo
electrónico, iré haciendo una lista. Intenraré que no haya cosas

Y con este verbo ya tenemos que empezar a hacer un cuadro de verbos
con los siguientes tiempos:

presente simple = do/does (2)
pasado simple = did (2)
futuro simple = will (3)

presente continuo = Am / is / are = Yolanda is eating an apple
pasado continuo = Was / Were = Yolana was etaing an apple

present perfect = To have + ED o 3. list

El que tenga claro cómo hacer frases en todos estos tiempos verbales
tiene un 5 asegurado. Luego vendrá el trabajo para subir nota.

Ya podéis ir preparando una hoja para cuadro de verbos con 3
columnas en una cara y otras 3 en la otra.

No es un trabajo muy difícil el de esta semana ¿verdad?


T h e     e n d

8th week


Week 7

From 4th April to 8th May

1º ESO

Activity 1 Choose the correct option:


Copy the exercise on the notebook and send me a picture.

Activity 2 – Listen to the conversation 3 times, then mark True or False.


Activity 3 – What are they doing?


Copy the sentences on your notebook and send me a picture.

Activity 4 – Look at the photos and complete the sentences with the correct word in the box


2º ESO

Activity 1 – What are they doing?


Copy the sentences on your notebook and send me a picture.

Activity 2 – Watch the video and answer the questions


Copy the questions and answers on your notebook and send me a picture

Activity 3 –

Fill in the blanks using present simple, past simple or present continuous:


Activity 4 – Listen to Caroline and complete her daily routine

Pay attention to the frecuency adverbs



T h e     e n d

7th week


Week 6

27th April to 3rd May

1º & 2º ESO

Activity 1 – Listen to the song:

 Activity 2 – Listen to the song again and pay attention to the vocabulary


Activity 3 – Write on your normal notebook 10 important words you have learnt from this song

Activity 4 – Do the activity on your virtual notebook. When you finish write all the questions and answers on your normal notebook and, please, send me a picture.

Here is the link to you virtual notebook. Remember you have to use your name and password to enter the virtual notebook. Click on «Acceso alumnos»:



T h e     e n d

6th week


Week 5

20th to 26th April

Any – Negative & interrogative sentences

SINGULAR There is There was
PLURAL There are There were

Watch the video:



Complete the following sentences:


Send 2 pictures.


Choose the correct word:


Send 2 pictures.

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3FdGPehN-E


Complete the sentences:


Then click SCORE

Send 2 pictures



How many = countable = I I I I I I I I

How much = uncountable = XXXXXXX


Complete the sentences with the correct word:


Send 2 pictures




2º E S O

Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8L2m8TeIWA


Write some questions and answers: https://speakingpark.wordpress.com/2020/04/19/will-vs-going-to/


Some – affirmative sentences

Any – Negative & interrogative sentences

SINGULAR There is There was
PLURAL There are There were

Watch the video:




Complete the following sentences:


Send 2 pictures.

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3FdGPehN-E



Complete the sentences:


Then Click SCORE

Send 2 pictures



How many = countable = I I I I I I I I

How much = uncountable = XXXXXXX


Complete the sentences with the correct word:


Send 2 pictures


T h e     e n d

5th week


Week 4

14th April to 20th April

1º ESO

Activity 1

A) – Envíame una foto con el resultado 10/10

B) – Envíame otra foto con el ejercicio copiado en el cuaderno.


Activity 2

A) -Envíame una foto con el resultado 10/10

B) – Envíame otra foto con el

ejercicio copiado en el cuaderno.


Activity 3

Watch this video:


A) -Write all the   sentences from the video in the negative form. You only have to add “don’t”

Example: Affirmative: Come in

Negative: Don’t come in.

B) -Write all the affirmative and negative sentences on your notebook and send me a picture.

Activity 4

Watch this video:


Must = obligation Musn’t = prohibition

(Este verbo es del grupo del To be, To have got y can, por lo tanto su afirmativa, su negativa y su interrogativa se construye igual que los verbos de su grupo)


A) -When you finish the exercise send me a picture with the puntuation: 10/10

B) -Write all the sentences on your notebook and send me a picture of the notebook.


2º ESO

Activity 1

A) – Envíame una foto con el resultado 10/10

B) – Envíame otra foto con el ejercicio copiado en el cuaderno.


Activity 2

Los verbos que expresan emociones y sentimientos, si llevan otro verbo inmediatamente después, será un gerundio, es decir, verb+ing

Love + verbING

Like + verbING

Enjoy + verbING

Hate + verbING


Trata de descifrar las 13 frases que aparecen en estaas imágenes, escríbelas en tu cuaderno y envíame una foto.


Activity 3

Watch this video:


A) -Write all the sentences from the video in the negative form. You only have to add “don’t”

Example: Affirmative: Come in

Negative: Don’t come in.

B) -Write all the affirmative and negative sentences on your notebook and send me a picture.

Activity 4

Watch this video:


Must = obligation Musn’t = prohibition

(Este verbo es del grupo del To be, To have got y can, por lo tanto su afirmativa, su negativa y su interrogativa se construye igual que los verbos de su grupo)


A) -When you finish the exercise send me a picture with the puntuation: 10/10

B) -Write all the sentences on your notebook and send me a picture of the notebook.


 – T H E     E N D  –  

4 T H     W E E K


Week 3 – 26th March to  2nd April

1st and 2nd ESO

Activity 1 – Learn this song.

Activity 2

Draw the following sentences:

1.- Someone I will always laugh with

2.- the world has brought you down to your knees

3.- You are still in bed at ten

4.- When the rain stats to pour

Activity 3 – Fill in the gaps in: https://www.liveworksheets.com/go96490co

Activity 4 – Find your activity in: https://speakingpark.wordpress.com/


  WEEK 2 – 18th March to 25th March.

1º ESO

1.- Complete the sentences using the present simple or the present continuous


2.- Complete the  sentences. Use the Past Simple form of the verb. Use short forms where possible.

When you finish send me a picture with the score 6/6


3.- Future Tense –

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaY2NuiFCwc

Write 10 sentences using these verbs in the future tense.

drink – play – read- eat – watch – write – draw – talk – clean – ask

When you finish you can send it to me.

4.- Lemon Tree

Listen the song and complete the gaps. When you finish you have to send a picture with the results: 26/26



2º ESO

1.- Complete the sentences using the present simple or the present continuous


2.- Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple form of the verb. Use short forms where possible.

When you finish send me a picture with the score 6/6


3.- Write the 6 sentences of exercise 2 into the Future Tense.

When you finish send me a picture with the 6 sentences.

4.- Lemon Tree

Listen the song and complete the gaps. When you finish you have to send a picture with the results: 26/26





WEEK 1 – 11th to 18th March

1. ESO

1.- https://speakingpark.wordpress.com/2018/03/01/revision-5-tenses/

2.- Read:



The Penguin – https://speakingpark.wordpress.com/2018/04/09/joke-the-penguin/  – Then write the 10 more important words from the story

3.- https://speakingpark.wordpress.com/2018/03/09/affirmative-negative-interrogative/

4.- https://speakingpark.wordpress.com/2013/10/18/the-difference-between-my-mom-and-me/

2. ESO

1.- https://speakingpark.wordpress.com/2018/04/05/wh-words-all-tenses/

11 Sentences (only exercise n. 1)

2.- Write the previous 11 sentences using the past simple.

3.- Go through these 60 cards to learn irregular verbs. You’ll have to write a test as soon as you come back to school so take it very seriously.


4.- I am sure you can write 20 questions and answers about Daniel. Try to make 10 using «Wh…?»


I’ll be very happy if you send me your work in a comment to this post. I need time to correct it so please, don’t forget it.



And to finish this week we can all watch a film:

Tell me, please, what you think about this movie.

And if you get bored here you can find some listening quizes:

General Listening Quizzes – Easy




Acerca de yolajb

Esta entrada fue publicada en 01 English. Guarda el enlace permanente.

36 respuestas a ENGLISH 1. & 2. ESO

  1. knock dijo:

    So we can send you a Joke, a song, a film, …

    Can anyone choose the best joke out of this link:



  2. lien jiang dijo:

    very good

  3. ismael dijo:

    hola profe no se como va esto pero he vusto una peli en ingles jajajaja

  4. Valentina Matute dijo:

    hi, I am watching TV series Friends on Netflix. ALL in english.

    • yolajb dijo:

      Thank you, Valentina, for telling us about the series you are watching. I’m very happy to know that you all are taking seriously this difficult moment we are living. Your comment is very important to me. Tell your schoolmates to send their coments here as well. I need to know your are working. BIG + FOR YOU¡¡¡

  5. Macro bait dijo:

    Hi, me vi una serie muy larga pero estaba resumida en pequeños capítulos en ingles

    • yolajb dijo:

      Please, Christian, let us know the title. If you like it other students may like it too. come on, try to remember and tell us the title, in English, of course.

  6. Macro bait dijo:

    P.D I am Cristian

  7. Macro bait dijo:

    El titulo es Pokemon the origins por aquí : (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x37k0ta)
    para que algunos tanbien la vean, lo vi hace poco.

    • yolajb dijo:

      Cristian, why don’t you try to make a video project about Pikachu from the Pokemon film ? There are many pictures in Google and I am sure kids would love it.

      If you write: Pikachu eating, pikachu playing, pikachu driving …
      You can find lots and lots of good pictures.

  8. ismael dijo:

    Hi teacher, how are we going to send the work we do?

    • yolajb dijo:

      Ismael, you can send a comment to this blog or to speakingpark.wordpress.com . On Monday I’ll give you a telf number to connect through Whatsapp if it’s better for you. Ok?

  9. aylen dijo:

    Hello, today I have seen the series for 13 reasons in English

  10. Jade dijo:

    Hello teacher, i do not know if you had to send it or if you could, but i have heard several songs in English with subtitles.

  11. Camila M.S dijo:

    Hello teacher, today I have seen the Teen Wolf series in English.

    • yolajb dijo:

      Thank you, Camila, for telling me. That’s great¡ I hope other students watch that series too. I’ll write your name down for a +. Please, send me comments when you finish doing some work. I am waiting for a new telephone to install whatsapp. Then you can send a screenshot to me.



  12. nicolev28 dijo:

    hello teacher, yesterday I saw a series called this shit is beyond me, in English.

    • yolajb dijo:

      Wow¡¡¡ Big, strong title. Did you like it? We can recomend it to the rest of your schoolmates. Thank you for your comment. It’s very nice for me to read that you are doing some work in these difficult days. ¡
      Keep in touch¡


  13. Hi teacher! How are you? i am watching a serie called «Stranger Things» very interesting

    • yolajb dijo:

      Hi, Jenifer,
      I am glad you are watching «Stranger Things». I hope it is no too frightening. I have heard it’s very good.
      I hope you have some «extra» time to do some work too, ha, ha, ha.
      Keep in touch.


  14. yolajb dijo:

    Some people say this is a good series. Do you agree?
    Stranger Things

    When a young boy vanishes, a small town uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments, terrifying supernatural forces and one strange little girl…


    Too bad if you are affraid of nightmares…

  15. Junming Huang dijo:

    Hello teacher Yolanda, I haven’t seen this movie yet, but, I watched another movie called , and it was veeeeeeeeeeery nice. The story is about… Hmmm, I think is better to not tell you, so you can give a try to see it. AvA

  16. Helen dijo:

    Hi i am Helen ♥️😅

  17. Helen dijo:

    I’m watching a series in English
    with Spanish subtitles
    It’s titled on my block

  18. alejandrotermi dijo:

    Hola soy Alejandro Muñoz y no se donde mandar los ejercicio y me gustaria saberlo

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