Too much, too many, enough, not enough…

Hello, students from the 2. year ESO,

Do you remember the project about your bedroom you did last term? In my bedroom there is a bed, in my bedroom there are many books, …

Now I would like you to write about the world, starting the sentences as it follows:

In the world there aren’t enough …

In the world there isn’t enough …

Int the world there are too many …

In the world there isn’t enough …

Here some words you can use:

friendship, love, pollution, cars, hospitals, schools, wars, clear water, …

I can’t wait to see your great ideas and pictures. Please, don’t forget to use any flash cards program to create your project wityh your telephone or computer.

Here you’ll find some  ideas:

Acerca de yolajb
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44 respuestas a Too much, too many, enough, not enough…

  1. Hello Yolanda I’m Yaiza ,I send you my book. Bye

  2. Lauren dijo:

    Hello Yolanda, here is my attempt –
    Best Wishes

  3. Marina RC dijo:

    aún no está terminado pero lo envio porque si no no se me guarda

  4. Marina RC dijo: I have finished the work, Yolanda. Please fix it and tell me if it’s okay. Thank you

  5. I’ve already replaced the picture. Can you tell me if all is correct?

  6. Marina RC dijo: I have corrected the mistakes. I hope it’s okay. Thanks

    • yolajb dijo:

      Carla, your pictures are very beautiful but you’ve got a few mistakes in your sentences. Can you, please, read the title of this project and write the sentences again.

      Too much, too many, not enough

  7. Pingback: parquealuche

  8. kamily nunes dijo:

    kamilynunes this is my project

  9. yolanda soy ivette no me deja hacer el proyecto

  10. Dylan Alexander Cordero Huamán dijo:

    Hi Teacher!
    I’m Dylan of 2°A ESO. I have a question to the flashcards.
    When I have the screenshot. How do I send it to you?

  11. Hi, Yolanda.
    Here you have the project. I hope you like it.
    Have a nice day.
    Guillermo Fdez. Quesada

  12. Hi, Yolanda.
    Here you have the second part of the project. I hope you like it.
    Have a nice day.
    Guillermo Fdez. Quesada

    • yolajb dijo:

      Gillermo, I was expecting something wonderful but your project is much more than that. It’s you who are just lovely.

      We need to have a look at «and» & «but»- Remember we use «and» to join to affirmative sentences. We use «but» to show opposition.

    • yolajb dijo:

      Hi, Kamily,
      There is a little problem with your project. At the front of the card you have to insert the picture. At the back you write the sentence. Can you please, try again.

  13. Hi Yolanda. I found some online programs! I hope you like it.

    -> <- The best program I found ^_^

    See you.
    Guillermo Fdez. Quesada

  14. ariel gimenez dijo:

    yolanda here are the phrases of my project that. I will try to deliver today.
    «In the world…» «In the world there is a family» » In the world there isn`t an alien`s family»
    «In the world there are mothers» «In the world there aren`t trolls» «In the world there are horses»
    «In the world there aren`t unicorns» «In the world there is a dog»
    «In the world there isn`t a dinosaur» «In the world there is a spider»
    «In the world there isn`t a spiderman» «In the world there are lions»
    «In the world there aren`t zombies» «In the world there is a tiger»
    «In the world there isn`t a dog tiger» «In the world there is a teacher»
    «In the world there isn`t a witch» «In the world there is an elephant»
    «In the world there isn`t an acuatic elepant» and «the end»

  15. ariel gimenez dijo:

    Yolanda here I give you the project

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